Tamilnadu Government Polytechnic College(Autonomus)
Madurai - 625011

Institute Profile

    Tamil Nadu Government Polytechnic College is a premier technical institutes in the Southern Region of India. In 1890, the District Board of Madurai Started a Technical Institute. This was later amalgamated with the Municipal Industrial School. On 1st April 1910, the then Presidency of Madras took over the administration. In 1919, the institute was housed in its own building and came to be known as Government Industrial Training Institute offering Certificate courses in technical trades.
    A Polytechnic with the nomenclature of Dravida Polytechnic was established along with the Industrial Training Institute in 1946 under the Post – War (Second World War) Development Scheme. Subsequently the name of the Polytechnic was changed from Dravida Polytechnic to Tamil Nadu Polytechnic College and later to Tamil Nadu Government Polytechnic College.
    A separate Department for Technical Education was created in the year 1957. As a result of this, the Polytechnic came under the administrative control of the Director of Technical Education, Chennai – 600 025.

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